

「The First Venture Capitalist: Georges Doriot on Leadership, Capital, & Business Organization」
「The First Venture Capitalist: Georges Doriot on Leadership, Capital, & Business Organization」

1946年に最初のVC投資会社アメリカン・リサーチ&デベロップメント  (ARD)社を設立した「最初のベンチャーキャピタリスト」ジョージ・ドリオ(Georges Doriot  1899 – 1987) 氏についての本。ドリオ氏はハーバード・ビジネス・スクールの教授でINSEADの設立にも関わった。大分前にARCHのオフィスに行った際に沢山置いてあったのを1冊頂いた思い出のある本。





"For Doriot, venture capital was a missionary activity. And he searched far and wide for those who believed in the mission."


"There are those who argue that Doriot was much too missionary in his approach to venture capital."


大学や研究機関に眠る膨大な知識と研究から、新しい経済を創造する能力を常に求めていた。また新しい事業を生み出すことでしか、成長は望めないという認識もあった。ARDに取って当初はMITが中心であったが、大学の研究から新しい事業を生み出し、新しい経済を創出するというVC の原点が見える。

"And it always was about the ability to create a new economy out of the vast wealth of knowledge and research that lay within the walls of universities and research organizations. There also was the understanding that growth could come only from the ability to spawn new undertakings."

ARDで成功した会社のほとんどは、MITから生まれたものだった。技術を立証できる場合はそれを試みて、できる限り技術も理解しようとした。ARDが最初に投資したのは、エビの養殖場で、それでARDは失敗しかけた。次に投資したのは、エンジニアリングやハイテク分野で、いずれもMITから生まれたものだった。DECもある意味MITからある出たものだった。DECは、MITのリンカーン研究所にいたKen Olsen氏が設立した会社だった。ARDは、基本的にMITが始めたと言える。最初の3人のアドバイザーはMITの教授だった。ファンドが資金を調達する際には、4つか5つの大学の基金が関わっていて、MITもその1つだった。ARDは、初期には非常にMIT志向が強かった。

"Most of the successful companies at ARD came out of MIT. You tried to prove the technology where you could and understand as well as you could. The first company ARD invested in was a shrimp farm and that almost felled ARD. The next investments were in engineering and high tech and they all came out of MIT. DEC came out of MIT, to a degree. Ken Olsen was working at MIT’s Lincoln Laboratory when he did it. To look at ARD, it was basically started by MIT. The first three advisers were MIT professors. There were four or five college endowments involved when the fund raised money and MIT was one. ARD was very heavily MIT oriented in the early years."



"Georges Doriot belonged to a milieu which believed, among other things, in the role of business in improving people’s lives."


"Businessmen must stand on their own feet and operate within the business community. Do not ask the government for help."


"Doriot may have been among the first venture capitalists to see the globe as a natural arena for venture capital and entrepreneurial companies. And he saw the existence of ARD and its foreign counterparts as a seamless whole."



"American Research & Development Corporation assists in creating companies based on the ideas and techniques of competent men, invests in new companies invests in existing small or medium-sized companies which appear to have growth potential"


"For Doriot most of the excitement was in new technologies. He would get intrigued with anything that was new and revolutionary. "


"Doriot’s venture investing was people first. He firmly believed that an entrepreneur with the right motivation and the right set of skills was the most important element in any successful investment."


"What the success formula was it wasn’t apparent, but it was very clear that he was people oriented. He was good and a hero to the people he backed. He was always looking for that spark of genius and entrepreneurial spirit. He was very insistent on meeting that person and that was his form of success."


"At ARD, generally everybody was out looking for their own deals. We had a personal advocacy approach. You were expected to work deals through yourselves, yet get help from other people when you needed it. You had to have a backup, spend a lot of time understanding the people involved and their motivation and the market and technology. Doriot insisted on deep immersion in any investment before you made it. In those days you could do that. You could take several months to look at an investment and the final OK had to come from the board of directors. You looked at the board of directors that he had assembled masterfully. It was a very impressive board. He handpicked each of those people probably more so than he picked the people who worked for him. "   


"He was sure that companies needed to go public on established performance. That didn’t mean that companies had to go public only when they were mature; technology created a different paradigm. But he had no desire to take companies public prematurely, have them falter and jeopardize the entire technology sector."


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